My approach...

"At the centre of your being, you have the answer.
You know who you are, and you
know what you want"



I provide space and nurture trusting relationships with my clients to faciliate inwards focus.  As we look within and listen to the emotions and their stories, we begin to learn how patterns of thinking, feelings and attitudes are affecting our day-to-day lives.   
We can shine some light on the shadows, begin to understand whats there, developing a fuller,  more rounded, whole picture.  
Gently, turning to face fears with love and compassion, we can work towards greater self acceptance, with  the aim of developing a sense of coming home to ourselves and contented inner peace. 
I trained with the IFS institute – where the model began with Dick Schwartz – after completing a certificate in person-centred counselling.

I am registered with both the IFS Institute internationally and IFS.UK,  and I have regular supervision. 



